quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2020

Aula não presencial - Semana 05
Aula 04- Inglês

Hello guys!
Agora, chegou a hora de misturarmos as três formas do passado regular (positive, negative and interrogative). Sempre quando tiverem dúvidas, voltem para rever as aulas anteriores, ok? Sempre que aparecerem palavras em português entre parênteses para vocês é porque estão traduzindo a palavra anterior. Mas, você também pode pegar ajuda de dicionários online ou, se você tiver, do seu dicionário. Há várias palavras que vão se repetindo. Se não forem traduzidas é porque já apareceram no texto.

Read the following text. (Leia o seguinte texto)
Last summer (no verão passado), Joel and Sara travelled (viajaram) to England for two weeks (semanas). They travelled in August and stayed (ficaram) in a college (colégio) with other (outros) students in Brighton (nome da cidade que foram), the South (no sul) of England. It was (isso foi) really (realmente) fantastic (fantástico) because (porque) they talked to (conversaram com) a lot (muitos) of students of different nationalities (de nacionalidades diferentes) and learned (aprenderam) a lot (bastante) about (sobre) other cultures and customs (outras culturas e hábitos). Of course (è claro que), they learned a lot of English too (também) because they practiced (praticaram) it every day (todos os dias). In the morning they studied (estudaram) a little (um pouco), they asked (pediram) the
teacher to speak (para falar) slowly (devagar) when (quando) necessary (necessário) and answered (respondiam) her questions (questões dela). In the afternoon, they visited different places (lugares) or played different sports at the college. It was so much fun (muito divertido). They often (frequentemente) walked (caminhavam) down to the beach (na praia) with their new (novos) friends and played or chatted (tagarelavam). In the evening, they were tired (cansados) so (assim) they sometimes (as vezes) watched (assistiam) videos or played board games (jogos de tabuleiros).
The best (melhores) days were Saturday and Sunday because they travelled to London. The city (a cidade) is very big and they visited all the monuments (monumentos) like (como) Big Ben, The London Eye (Roda Gigante chamada Olho de Londres) and Buckingham Palace (nome do Palácio que a rainha mora). They wanted (queriam) to see (ver) the Queen (Rainha) but (mas) they didn’t see her (ela), only (apenas) her guards (seus guardas)! They liked (gostaram) everything (de tudo) in the city but their favorite (favorite) thing (coisas) was (foram) the museums, especially Madam Tussards (nome do museu de cêra). There were lots of (bastante) realistic (realisticas) figures (figuras) of famous (famosas) people (pessoas) there (lá). At the end (no final) of the two weeks, they were (estavam) sad (tristes) to return (em dretornar) home (casa). The vacations (férias) were fun (divertidas) and different from usual (das demais). They cried (choraram) a little (um pouco) when (quando) they waved (acenaram) goodbye to their new friends and promised (prometeram) to write
(escrever) or send (enviar) emails when (quando) they arrived (chegassem) home.

1. True or false? Correct the false ones. (Verdadeiro ou falso. Corrija as que estão falsas).
a. Joel and Sara travelled to England for three weeks.
b. They stayed in a college.
c. Brighton is in the North (Norte) of England.
d. They asked the teacher to speak fast (rápido)
e. They sometimes (às vezes) walked to the beach.

2. Write the following in the negative form. (Escreva as seguintes frases na forma negativa). 
a. He enjoyed the trip (viagem). – He didn’t enjoy the trip. 
b. They stayed in a college. - __________________________________________________. 
c. They walked to the beach. - _________________________________________________. 
d. He watched video games. - _________________________________________________. 
e. They waved (acenaram) goodbye. - ___________________________________________.
f. They played boardgames. - __________________________________________________.

3. Write the past simple of these verbs. Pay attention to the spelling rules. Escreva o passado dos verbos abaixo. Preste atenção das regras dadas na primeira aula remota). 
a. Travel – traveled. 
b. Copy-_______________________. 
c. Count-_______________________. 
d. Play-________________________. 
e. Close-_______________________. 
f. Open-_______________________. 
g. Dance-______________________. 
h. Drop-_______________________. 
i. Cook-_______________________. 
j. Live-________________________. 
k. Look-_______________________.

4. Answer the following questions. (Responda as seguintes perguntas de acordo com o texto) 

1. What (o que) did Joel and Sara do (fizeream) in the afternoon? 
They visited different places or played different sports at the college.
2. Did they learn a lot of new things?  
3. What did they like the best (mais gostaram)?  
4. What did they visit in the capital (na capital)? 
5. Did they like the museums? 
6. What (Qual) museum did they like the best? 
7. Did they see (viram) the Queen? 
8. Were (Eles estavam) they happy at the end of the vacations?
9. What did they promise (prometeram) to do when they arrived home?

Semana passada estudamos o passado simples negativo dos verbos regulares. Hoje, vamos ver a forma interrogativa. Obs: As respostas devem ser postadas no google classroom. Se não conseguirem, mandem para esse email:jussara.dresch@edu.doisirmaos.rs.gov.br

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